Sportmeet is a worldwide network of sports and people who work in sports. We are men and women of every age, culture, ethnic background, language and religion who see sports as an important and positive reality that allows us to challenge ourselves and others. We are motivated by the desire to make a contribution through sports to a more united world.

Sports enthusiasts from every background are part of Sportmeet: athletes from the most varied backgrounds, professional and non-professional, amateurs, people who want to challenge their own physical capabilities, people who love spending time outdoors, physical education teachers, instructors and specialists of every type and level, professors of physical exercise and sports science, undergraduates and graduates in physical exercise specialties, health workers belonging to different professional levels in the field of sport, timekeepers, referees, judges and clerks of the course, directors and managers of sports businesses and organisations, journalists and media professionals specialising in sports, public administrators and directors of sports institutions, people who work in commerce related to sports, and everyone else professionally and culturally associated to the world of physical activity.

Sportmeet is represented at the United Nations by New Humanity of which it is a member. This is an NGO with General Consultative Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) .

To be part of Sportmeet simply means to be part of its vision. No other form of agreement other than sharing the common goals is required. Sportmeet seeks communicate with every person or body agreeing with our objectives.

The official Sportmeet site is one of the windows of this project today: it gathers and promotes the ideas, studies and research, projects and stories of people who commit to this spirit.

Sportmeet è la rete mondiale di sportivi e di operatori dello sport, uomini e donne di ogni età, cultura, etnia, lingua e religione, che vivono lo sport come realtà importante e positiva nel confronto con se stessi e con gli altri, animati dal desiderio di contribuire, attraverso di esso, alla costruzione di un mondo più unito.